WordPress plugin for portfolio items

When I was building my new portfolio website using WordPress the biggest struggle for me was making my portfolio items look good in a page. I installed a columns plugin, but even with that I couldn’t get the spacing between the software description and the next items’ title right. I am still on a quest for the best solution. For now it will have to do, but I am planning to change it once I find something better. I will let you know as soon as I find something. If anyone has any suggestions or has come across the problem before, any advice would be appreciated. 🙂


2 thoughts on “WordPress plugin for portfolio items”

    1. Hi. Thank you for the comment. 🙂 Instead of using a plugin for the portfolio, I decided to do it myself and added padding and margins between the items. I also added a background color with a border to split up the portfolio pieces. Let me know if you have any suggestions. I am sure it can look better, but am not sure how to arrange it. Any advice is appreciated. 🙂


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